Brachyrhaphis Roseni Fish: Care. Breeding, Mates, Feed Guide

Not all lovers of aquarium fish know all the names and the specifics of caring for each species. But each person has certain preferences in choosing pets for their aquarium. If you are an adherent of a variegated and active aquatic inhabitant, then you will like Brachyrhaphis Roseni. This is a small, very mobile fish of the Peciliaceae family, whose natural habitat is the fast-flowing mountain rivers of Central America.

Possessing a certain aggressiveness, especially during the breeding season, representatives of this species of waterfowl are not as popular as the platies. It is quite difficult for novice aquarists to create optimal conditions for keeping and breeding this species. However, experienced fish lovers, who have adapted to caring for these wayward individuals, will delight themselves with the bright active inhabitants of their aquarium.

brachyrhaphis roseni fish
  • The size: 2-6 centimeters
  • Flock: Gregarious
  • Popularity: Common
  • temperature: 22-28 ° C
  • PH value: 7.0-8.0
  • Hardness of water: 5-15 dGH

Brachyrhaphis Roseni Fish Appearance

Brachyrhaphis is a freshwater viviparous fish ranging in size from 4 to 6 cm, with an elongated body and a wayward character. The dorsal fin is reddish in females and reddish pink in males, and the tail is bluish and neon, respectively.

On the sides, there are transverse dark stripes in both sexes.

Brachyrhaphis Roseni Keeping in Aquarium

For breeding and comfortable keeping of these fish, conditions should be created that are close to the natural habitat of this species. In nature, they are found in Panama, Guatemala and Costa Rica in fast-flowing rivers. Therefore, the aquarium should contain both areas open for free swimming and shelters in the form of driftwood, thickets and decorative objects so that the fish have the opportunity to hide. Organize the flow and aeration, this will bring your aquarium as close as possible to the natural living conditions of these fish.

When setting up your aquarium, keep in mind that Brachyrhaphises can jump high above the surface of the water, so it is recommended to equip it with a lid or glass. Be sure to provide filtration and regular cleaning of organic waste.

Brachyrhaphis is a rather conflicting fish, not only in relation to smaller breeds, but also to its relatives. Fights between males are not uncommon, during which they attack and bite each other, and cause various damage. It is possible to avoid hostility if the number of females per male in the group is 3-4 fish. Females also show aggression, trying to take a dominant position.

They coexist quite well in small schools of 5-8 fish. Due to their variegated color and high activity, they look quite beautiful in the interior of the aquarium.

Brachyrhaphis Roseni Breeding specifics

Any aquarist wants not only to have fish as interior decoration but also to receive offspring from their pets. This fascinating process not only allows you to observe the mating games of fish but also to obtain offspring of bright, interesting, and unusual colors.

This species reaches sexual maturity at the age of 5-7 months. And if you do not separate males and females, then no special intervention in the breeding process will be required.

Brachyrhaphis belongs to the group of viviparous fish, one female is capable of spawning to bring up to 60 mature fry ready for independent life. The difficulties of breeding this particular species include excessive aggressiveness and a complete lack of parental instinct.

Newborn fry face the threat of being eaten by their own parents .

Therefore, during spawning, it is better to place the female in a special compartment with a large number of shelters where the fry can hide, or in a special spawning container with holes through which the babies swim to a separate safe tank. Then you will have a better chance of maintaining your Brachyrhaphis population.

The fry should be fed with crushed starter compounds 6-7 times a day.

Brachyrhaphis Roseni aquarium Feed

In nature, this species of fish is a predator. They feed on various insects, catching small butterflies, mosquitoes, and other small midges, jumping out of the water. In captivity, a properly selected balanced diet will help avoid developmental problems and are guaranteed to get rid of various diseases.

For aquarium nutrition use:

  1. Live food: bloodworms , mosquito larvae, various crustaceans, large brine shrimp , coretra, daphnia , aulophorus . Refuse the pipe maker categorically . This food provokes the development of toxicosis in Brachyrhaphis.
  2. Dry food: granules, flakes, gammarus, freeze-dried and frozen formulations.

When feeding this type of fish, avoid too much food in the aquarium. Brachyrhaphis are prone to gluttony and have no sense of proportion. This is fraught with the development of diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, strictly dose the amount of food, and if after a 5-7-minute lunch there is an excess, then it must be removed in order to avoid overeating by fish and contamination of the aquarium. Brachyrhaphis never consume food from the bottom of the aquarium.

They coexist quite well in small schools of 5-8 fish. Due to their variegated color and high activity, they look quite beautiful in the interior of the aquarium.

Brachyrhaphis Roseni Fish tank mates

When creating a unique habitat and selecting fish for your aquarium, consider the temperament of your future neighbors. Brachyrhaphis will attack and offend smaller fish.

Since these fish predominantly live in the upper waters of the aquarium, benthic species of waterfowl are suitable for neighbors:

  • catfish;
  • loaches – fight, acanthophthalmus;
  • small American cichlids;
  • girinocheilus;
  • nimble tetras.

Such a neighborhood will not cause discomfort to any type of fish, since each of them will occupy its own niche, make your aquarium colorful and individual.

When choosing a company for your Brachyrhaphis, take into account the temperature and other conditions of keeping the fish you like. After all, different care requirements can jeopardize the quality of life and the comfortable coexistence of your pets.

Difference in male and female Brachyrhaphis Roseni Fish

For breeding full-fledged offspring, as well as to reduce conflict in a school of fish, it is necessary to acquire individuals of the male and female sex. To avoid mistakes and make the right choice, you should know how to distinguish a male from a female.

difference in male and female brachyrhaphis roseni

In viviparous fish, females carrying offspring are always larger than males, have a more rounded abdomen, and their color will be much more modest. With a male body length of 4 cm on average, the female will be 1.5 times larger. This is due to the natural necessity of bearing eggs in the ovarian area and the birth of viable, fully formed fry. In addition, females of Brachyrhaphis have a characteristic dark “pregnancy spot” in the lower abdomen. This clear sign will easily help distinguish her from the male.

Another distinctive feature is the anal fin. In the female, it looks like a fan; in the male, such a fin resembles a ray a gonopodium. At its end there is a hook-shaped rounding for closer contact with the partner. During the mating season, semen enters the female’s anus through the gonopodia.

Brachyrhaphis Roseni Possible diseases of aquarium fish

The average life span of these fish in aquarium conditions is about three years.

Since the weak point of Brachyrhaphis Roseni is gluttony, most diseases, including death, are associated with this innate feature. Tightly dose the regimen and amount of food in order to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of your pets.

If you have a non-nutritional illness, you should consult your veterinarian. The conditions of detention can affect the development of various pathologies and internal problems of the body. With the normalization of the state of the aquarium, the fish are capable of self-healing.

With proper care and keeping conditions, the fish do not get sick and are active and cheerful for a long time. However, the main enemy of your pets is dirty or unsettled water. In case of violation of the content, untimely cleaning of the aquarium, the following pathologies may develop:

Brachyrhaphis Roseni DiseaseCauses of occurrence
acidemiaammonia poisoning
alkalosisalkaline disease
dropsybacterial, viral, metabolic disorders due to a failure in the diet
fin rotexternal influence of bacteria
branchiomycosisthe appearance of fungus in the gill lobes
inflammation of the gastrointestinal tractunsuitable feed, violation of dietary recommendations

These most common pathologies, arising through the fault and oversight of the owner, and with timely improvement of the conditions of detention, do not cause much harm to the fish. However, regular violation of living conditions is fatal. Moreover, one sick fish carrying the disease can poison the entire aquarium.

Some pathologies can arise from a lack of vitamins in the diet of the fish. It can be growth retardation, dystrophy, and nervous disorders leading to hyperexcitability or lethargy, problems with gills and eyes. The cause of the pathology and the method of treatment can be prescribed by a veterinarian. In most cases, the introduction of vitamins A, group B, C, folic acid, biotin, choline, and others into the diet helps to solve the problem.

Brachyrhaphis are active representatives of waterfowl. Therefore, it is interesting to watch them. The fish look especially attractive during the mating season when the male becomes brighter and begins to perform intricate dances around his object of adoration. But keep a close eye on the family of these fish to avoid injury or injury to each other. Place them in different containers, if necessary.

Breeding aquarium fish is not only a pleasant pastime but also a great responsibility. This type of activity requires organization, concentration, strict adherence to the conditions of care, and then your pets will be able to please the eye for a long time and bring a sense of satisfaction.

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