Anubias Aquarium Plant: Types, Care, Propagation, Structure

Anubias is a beautiful aquarium plant that is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and incredible vitality. Even in poor conditions, it grows well. There are many ornamental anubias species that even inexperienced aquarists can grow. Anubias are best for beginners aquarium plant lovers.

anubias aquarium plant

Anubias is a tropical plant belonging to the aroid family.

Anubias Aquarium Plant Features and Structure

It is an evergreen creeping plant with a thick root and small internodes. The petioles may be covered with short spines. Leaves are lanceolate, dense, oval, covered with a glossy film. Each branch contains 1-3 inflorescences. The cover of the inflorescence is oval, strongly disclosed during the flowering period.

It has a solid color, usually cream or green. When the fruits are ripe, the veil is closed. The plant has no perianth, flowers are unisexual. Fruits are berries with an obovate or compressed-spherical shape. Seeds are small, semi-cylindrical. Anubias is a short shrub, but many species reach the water surface.

When planting, the rhizome is not buried in the ground, but placed on top or attached to various decorations. Anubias needs a nutritious substrate. Fertilizer is applied once a month. Reproduction is carried out by dividing the rhizome. With excessive light, the leaves turn blue-green, indicating the appearance of algae in the aquatic environment. Because of this, the plant may die.

Anubias Aquarium Plant types and varieties

There are many varieties of Anubias, each with its own characteristics.


The leaf plates of this type are thick, the surface is glossy, and the underside is velvety. Leaves are green, cordate at the base with white spots. Below the leaf blade has a well-defined main vein. The root is thick, creeping, can be branched. The plant reaches 30 cm and grows very slowly. Tall bushes are planted in the aquatic environment one by one, small in size – in a group. Together with such a plant, herbivorous fish can be kept.


A graceful rare Anubias variety, large and very showy.

In such a plant, green leaves grow up to 40 cm. They have a rounded base and a pointed top. The root is 1.5 cm thick. The peduncle can grow up to 7-14 cm. The ear has a large number of buds. The plant blooms from February to early summer.

It is recommended to keep the bush in a wide aquarium. After disembarking, it acclimatizes for some time. It is a tall plant and is recommended to be placed in the background. It grows slowly.

If the water is cloudy, holes begin to form on the leaves. Loves diffused light. Prefers a soil of sand, clay and humus of beech leaves.


Leaves are lanceolate or elliptical, leathery, green in color, grow up to 40 cm. The tips are sharp, the base is rounded and pointed, the edges are slightly wavy. In the leaf blades, the lateral and main veins are strongly distinguished. The flowers are small, united in a cob. The root is thick, fleshy, can be branched. The bush can grow up to 70 cm.

It is characterized by slow growth. It should be planted in a large container. Placed in the background. Can be kept with herbivorous fish. If a peduncle appears, they get rid of it, because anubias greatly weakens during flowering.

Anubias varifolia needs enough free space.


This is a short plant – about 12 cm. The stem is short, the leaves are hard, oval, green in color. Creeping root, covered with leaves along its entire length, can branch. Such a dwarf bush is most often placed in a prominent place. The root is attached to a stone or driftwood, placed in the ground. Expanding, it forms a dense carpet. The stiffness of the leaves allows it to be kept along with cichlids.


In this species, the leaves are bright green, with a rounded top and a sharp end. They reach 25 cm in length. The rhizome consists of powerful roots. This is a capricious plant, therefore it is suitable for growing only by experienced aquarists. It is planted from behind at the side wall. When the bush is placed in an aquarium, nutritious dressings are added under the roots: peat, clay, silt.

Anubias Aquarium Plant Care and maintenance

Anubis is unpretentious in care, but a tropical climate is created for him.

anubias aquarium plant care and maintenance

Optimal growing conditions:

  • water temperature – + 24 ° … + 27 ° C;
  • dGH – 2-15;
  • pH – 6-7,5.

The plant withers in bright light. It grows well in low light aquariums.

If it is impossible to create such conditions, the bush can be planted in the shade of another plant. The water should not be cloudy, because Anubias love a clean environment. If this rule is not followed, the plant often dies.

To avoid this, install a filter. There is no need to add CO2 and natural ventilation, as the bush prefers a silty environment. He gets all the nutrients from water.

Anubias grows very slowly in the aquarium.


You need to plant the plant correctly. It is not recommended to deeply deepen the rhizome. Small roots are lightly sprinkled, and the main root is left on the surface. Otherwise, it will start to rot. Sand or small pebbles are used as soil.

To prevent the anubias from floating up, it is tied or pressed with a stone. Rooting takes place after 2 weeks.

Such an aquarium plant is characterized by slow growth. For a year, its root system grows only 5-10 cm. Leaves begin to grow at the root. When new leaf blades appear, the central trunk of the rhizome also lengthens.

Anubias Aquarium Plant propagation methods

More often, Anubias is diluted in a vegetative way. Buds appear on the rhizome, which after a while release cuttings. Such a stalk, together with thin roots and leaves, should be separated from the main plant, and then placed in a prepared substrate. It takes root quickly. In addition, you can cut off part of the rhizome and place it under the snag. When sprouts appear, they are planted in a substrate.


Anubias is kept with almost all types of fish. Herbivorous aquatic inhabitants cannot gnaw through their thick and tough leaves. Fish that like to dig in the ground are also unable to harm a strong rhizome.

The plant can only be harmed by mechanical suspension. It appears in aquariums with a large number of fish.

The bushes grow in the shade, so they get along with twilight aquatic inhabitants, for example, with catfish. Dwarf varieties of Anubias tolerate low temperatures well, so they can live with discus.


The plant has good stress resistance. Due to its durability and endurance, it tolerates long-term transportation well. Injuries rarely affect his well-being. Anubias can easily survive a rhizome fracture.


When the plant is planted in the ground, the rhizome is placed on the surface. Growing up, the bush begins to rise above the substrate. Supports it, like props, a dense weave of roots. It serves as a refuge for fish.

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