Bolbitis Heudelotii Aquarum Plant: Care, Propagation, Use

Bolbitis Heudelotii is a fern that is grown in aquariums. It is highly appreciated by aquarists due to its unpretentiousness. The leaves of a rich dark green color effectively contrast with bright fish, so this plant can decorate any aquarium.

bolbitis heudelotii

Aquarium fern Bolbitis Heudelotii is a very unpretentious plant, which makes it very popular among novice aquarists.

Bolbitis Heudelotii Features and appearance

Both the stems and the leaf plates of the bush are durable. They are tough and have two layers. The outer one is a hard bark, thanks to which the fish cannot harm the plant. The inner layer is covered with a large number of stomata through which the bush breathes.

The height of Bolbitis Heudelotii can reach up to 30 cm.

The fern has a creeping root system with brown petioles. With tenacious and strong roots, it is able to attach itself to any irregularities in the bottom.

The leaf plates are pinnate. They grow on the stem alternately, forming a lush bush. Bolbitis can grow up to 30 cm in height.It is most often grown in large aquariums.

The stems of the crop are denser than water, so they do not rise to the surface. Under good conditions, the bush grows actively, but the enclosed space slows down its development.

The peculiarities of the plant include the fact that when its leaves outgrow the size of the reservoir and begin to protrude from the water, they do not dry out. This is a spectacular sight. The main thing is that the aquarium is without a lid.

Bolbitis Heudelotii Care in aquarium

For bolbitis heudelotii to grow well, the volume of the tank must be at least 50 liters. Any soil can be acquired, because thanks to its tenacious roots, the bush is able to attach even to the bottom of glass.

If the substrate contains little organic matter, it is recommended to apply small doses of mineral fertilizers containing trace elements. A plant, lacking nutrients, can lose its spectacular appearance and wither.

However, you cannot feed it with large amounts of sodium. Add baking soda and table salt if absolutely necessary and in a minimum dose (1 g per 1 liter of water). Bolbitis will grow well if the bottom of the tank is covered with a small amount of silt. At the same time, it should not be allowed that the fern leaves are overgrown with algae.

Pure water with slightly acidic Ph is the optimal growth conditions for the Bolbitis Heudelotii fern.


The flow in the tank should be moderate. The bush grows well in clean water that does not contain nitrates and salts, so a filter must be installed in the aquarium. The tank is additionally equipped with a heater, aeration and a thermometer.

Optimum water performance:

  • water temperature + 25 … + 27 ° C;
  • pH – 5-6;
  • dH – up to 7.

If the temperature drops to + 20 ° C, the fern slows down, and with a strong increase, on the contrary, it accelerates. It prefers to grow in water that has a slightly acidic reaction. In an alkaline aquatic environment, the leaf plates of a plant can disintegrate. It is recommended to regularly renew the water, replacing ¼ part of the total.

The new liquid is boiled in advance to get rid of chlorine, salt and other harmful substances, after which it is defended throughout the day. Too hard water leads to the death of the root system and the death of leaves.


In order for bolbitis to grow well, different lighting is used. Both bright light and a diffused light beam are suitable for it. The only thing is that you must not allow direct sunlight to hit it. This can provoke the appearance of blue-green algae, which negatively affect the plant, in particular the root system. Algaecide with CO2, which is fed to the bush, helps to get rid of them.

For lighting, fluorescent lamps with a power of 1 W / l are used. Daylight hours should last 10-11 hours. Its duration is influenced by the type of aquarium plants and the phenotype of fish.

Bolbitis Heudelotii propagation and breeding rules

For reproduction of Bolbitis Heudelotii, it is enough to cut off a part of the root with a growth bud.

The fern reproduces by dividing the rhizome. This method brings a lot of stress to the bolbitis, the plant tolerates it quite hard.

A part of the root system with a well-formed growth bud with 2-3 leaves is cut off using a sharp knife. The cut is disinfected with crushed activated carbon.

The cut part is placed on the bottom of the tank and pressed lightly with pebbles. You cannot fill it with soil, because the layer itself will attach itself with roots. Such a plant is not propagated by spores.

Bolbitis Heudelotii use in aquarium

The bush is used to decorate aquariums. Place it in the background. In such a place, it forms a green background, reminiscent of a dense forest. This allows plants of pale shades to look more advantageous in the foreground. Dense thickets serve as a refuge for viviparous fish and shrimp.

Thanks to its compact size and carved leaves, the fern will look spectacular on a lonely stone or on a snag. Placing it in the center of the aquarium can create a fantastic decor. By varying the height of the bush and its location, you can create a triangular or U-shaped landscape, as well as an “island”.

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